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Téléphone+229 64 14 95 22 (ou 0022964149522)
Contenu de la fraude-------- Message d’origine --------
De: Western Union Money Transfer
Date: 7 juin 2020 08:02:30
Objet: Hello__Dear Esteemed, Customer

> --
> Hello__Dear Esteemed, Customer
> Welcome you from Western Union Money Transfer Head office Benin Republic, we are using this medium to update you of the New Development and Resolution that was passed today,The board of Power Authority of Justice Court Order Benin Republic have givens us instruction to notify your payment inherited funds of (US$1,200.000,00),After the meeting held on your behalf with order, This is to notify you about the latest development concerning your payments total sum of $1,200,000,00, which left into our custody since 2016 to this year 2020, beside,the Power Authority of Justice Court Order has signed your funds to be starting transferring into your designated address without any further delay, So Be inform that we Western Union Headquarter Benin Republic has been giving writing to keep posted for all our customer their name listed reference and your name is among,the purpose of this urgent information is to use it help all people failed into victims,meanwhile avoid delaying your fund total sum of $1,200,000,00,you need to send us just $85 for your fund transfer access code, before we start sending your payment to avoid any problems.
> For more than 150 years, The familiar signs of Western Union have stood as a trusted symbol for connecting friends, family and businesses around the world. Known today as an innovator in financial services, The Western Union Company has become an industry leader in global money transfer with over 410,000 Agent locations in 200 countries and territories,From the roots of our signature telegram business, we expanded and evolved our services in 1871 to offer electronic money transfer. Today, Western Union offers money order, money transfer, payment and prepaid services. While the telegram is a memory, we continue a long history of connecting people
> around the corner and around the globe with financial services that are fast, reliable and convenient.
> Further more, you need to send the total sum of $85,00,right away to use it pursuing your fund transfer access code,because,all the Control numbers information, which you would be using to pick all your fund has been registered reference, because If you calculate what we have putting in, will know that you have gone too far to quit, After the payment sum of this $85.00, you will start receiving your money every minutes or hours of your choice, $5,000 MTCN number by western union until your total amount $1,200,000,00, is finished. More notification, you needed to fill reference form. to Avoid releasing the payment to the wrong hands.
> Your Full Name____
> Your Full Address____
> Tel________
> Country_____
> State_______
> Zip Code____
> Use this receiver name and address to send the 85 usd by western union or RIA MONEY TRANSFER
> Receiver's name_____Goe Draw
> Country______Benin Republic.
> City_______Cotonou
> Text Question______When
> Answer______Now
> Amount______$85.
> Send us the 85 usd payment slips after you have send it.
> The moment we receive the payment of $85 we will forward you the MTCN paper to pick up your fund one by one, $5000.00, for each MTCN, we are looking forward to hearing from you soonest with Amount______$85 MTCN ......?.
> I wish you good luck.
> Yours in service
> phone no +22964149522
> Email:
> Director (Rev.John Joshua) officer
Commentaire / ExplicationsIl s'agit d'une offre de transfert d'argent par le biais de Western Union d'un montant de 1,200,000 U.S dollars contre un paiement de 85$

Thématique(s) liée(s)