Hameçonnage +15142345678 Christopher Higgins

Pseudonyme utiliséChristopher Higgins
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Téléphone+1 514-234-5678 (ou 0015142345678)
Contenu de la fraudeHello Dear Friend,

My name is Christopher Higgins and I am the Donations Coordinator for PFC Trust in County Durham founded by and where Francis and Patrick Connolly reside. As you may well have been informed or not, Francis and Patrick Connolly won Ј115m in the EuroMillions lottery on New Year's day 2019. They have since given out a huge chunk of that money as donations every January. Two foundations have been charged to oversee these donations: the Kathleen Graham Trust in Northern Ireland, named after Frances' mother, and the PFC Trust in County Durham. You can confirm this via the website link below:

EuroMillions: 'It'll be fun to give away' say NI jackpot couple
Frances and Patrick Connolly say they are overwhelmed after winning the Ј115m Lotto jackpot.

I am now here to tell you that you have been chosen to receive a sizable d onation of Ј3m which I will ensure gets to you as soon as possible. All you need to do is indicate your interest to receive the said donation and we will work on the rest together.

I am waiting to hear from you.

Christopher Higgins (Mr.)
Donations Coordinator,
PFC Trust.
Commentaire / Explicationshameçonnage

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    • Signalement #679903 le 2023-08-21 à 18:16


      I am contacting you regarding a proposal that is of a high standard and confidentiality attached to a valued company estate of £8.6 million belonging to my late client with no trace of his relatives or next of kin. I need you to partner with me for us to get the funds for investment purposes in your country of residence.

      Please come back to me for more details.

      Ethan White

      Courriel frauduleux :
      Url / Site internet :
      Pseudonyme utilisé : Ethan White

    • Signalement #692520 le 2023-09-22 à 02:18

      De : Christopher Higgins (Mr.)
      Envoyé : samedi 26 août 2023 13:14
      Objet : PFC Trust Order

      Hello Dear Friend,

      My name is Christopher Higgins and I am the Donations Coordinator for PFC Trust in County Durham founded by and where Francis and Patrick Connolly reside. As you may well have been informed or not, Francis and Patrick Connolly won Ј115m in the EuroMillions lottery on New Year's day 2019. They have since given out a huge chunk of that money as donations every ...
      Pourquoi certaines personnes font-elles de telles choses ?

      Courriel frauduleux :
      Pseudonyme utilisé : Christopher Higgins (Mr.)
      Téléphone : +447418348443

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